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Rust evangelism needs to take a seat for a minute. Getting 2015 Haskell acolyte vibes hearing someone say "rewrite it in rust!" or "cargo is perfect" for the 8th time…except rust-world is better funded and more popular, so the pamphlet-pushers are *everywhere*. Seriously, chill.


@cemerick *responds to your tweet about using any functional language to do anything ever*

but did you consider using haskell?

@rbxbx exactly. This was *constant* 5-8 years ago IME

@cemerick i'm largely subtooting a very specific person *ahem* but ya that shit was annoying as hell

@rbxbx lol I can think of at least 30 individuals matching that description 😅

@rbxbx @cemerick “I was going to, but decided writing it in guile would be a more sustainable use of my trolling resources”

@cemerick @rbxbx guix is fine, but replacing all elisp with guile is the real revolution