
A Peer-Reviewed Journal About: Minor Tech is out!

As CC (creative crowds), @manetta and I used wiki-to-print to design the issue over the summer. This issue includes a text we wrote about how it allows us to work shoulder-to-shoulder as collaborative writers, editors, designers, developers, in a non-linear publishing workflow.
Edited by @xocffoeg and Christian Ulrik Andersen

With contributions by Camille Crichlow, Teodora Sinziana Fartan, Susanne Förster, Inte Gloerich (@integloerich), Mara Karagianni (@mara), Jung-Ah Kim, Freja Kir, Inga Luchs, Alasdair Milne, Shusha Niederberger (@shusha), Jack Wilson, nate wessalowski (@natex), xenodata co-operative (Alexandra Anikina & Yasemin Keskintepe), and Sandy Di Yu.

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